

贺街镇始建于西汉元鼎六年(公元前111年)汉武帝平南越之时。在古代“丝绸之路”主通道的潇贺古道上,其位于贺州市八步区中部,距离贺州市区仅17公里。“The town was built in 111 B.C. It is on the ancient Xiaohe Route which is the main channel of the ancient Silk Road. It is located in the middle part of Babu area of Hezhou city and it is only 17 kilometers away from the city.”。

贺街镇历史文化积淀丰厚,融中原文化、岭南百越文化、楚文化于一体,素有“桂东文化古城”之称,有众多古建筑和风景名胜。“The history and culture of the town are very rich. It combines the central plain culture, Baiyue culture and Chu culture together. The town has many ancient buildings and scenic spots.”。其中,贺街文笔塔建于清乾隆五年(1740年),高27米,占地约80平方米。呈六角形的塔体虽由大青砖所砌,但其表面却呈红色,上盖绿色琉璃瓦,门额浮堆有“魁星楼”3个大黑字。

文笔塔顶层原有一铸于南汉大宝四年(961年)、重750公斤的大铜钟。“There was a big bronze bell at the top of the pagoda. The bell was built in 961. It weights 750 kilograms.”。铜钟呈圆形、喇叭状,造型精美、纹饰华丽。钟体上铸文1288个,具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值,属自治区重点保护文物,已于1963年迁至八步灵峰公园。“There are 1288 words were cast on the bell. It has a high historical and artistic value. The bell is the key protection of cultural relics and it was moved to Lingfeng Park in 1963.”。

千年古城,名胜古迹不少。著名的浮山从远处望去像一枚巨大的宝印,浮空于江水上,故又称之“玉印浮山”。山顶上有一座陈王祠,始建于北宋年间,1983年重修。相传,此祠是为了纪念陈秀才而建。“There was a Chenwang Temple on the top of the mountain. It was built in the Song dynasty and rebuilt in 1983. It is said that the temple is built in memory of Xiucai Chen.”。陈秀才生于隋末唐初,附近的江平村人,自幼聪明好学,满腹文章,三次赴京赶考皆名落孙山,遂放弃功名隐居于浮山。因其平生利人济物,乐善好施,深得乡民爱戴。“Xiucai Chen liked helping people and he was very friendly and benevolent. He was deeply loved by his villagers.”。陈秀才过世后,每逢他的生辰和忌日,八方乡亲云集浮山对歌,歌颂秀才功德,衍成今日两个盛大的活动,即农历四月廿六“炮期”和农历五月十九“歌节”。

